Hey! My name is Hans

I am on the job market! If you think I might be a good fit for your organization, please send me an email! You can find my CV here.

I’m a Computer Science Ph.D. candidate at Stanford University researching in the Empirical Security Research Group. I am supported by the Meta PhD Research Fellowship, the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship and the Stanford University EDGE Fellowship. I am broadly interested in disinformation, computer security, networks, and natural language processing. I completed two Masters’ degrees in Computer Science and in Statistics with the Daniel M. Sachs Scholarship at the University of Oxford. I completed my undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering at Princeton University.

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Outside of research, I do disinformation reporting with the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab. For fun, I enjoy performing stand-up comedy, listening to UK rhythm and blues music, marathon running, and learning Mandarin Chinese (HSK4).

I also have a blog The Margin of Error where I talk about my research, computational looks at different economic and political issues, and a ton of other topics! You can subscribe here.

I am not currently taking any new students for projects, but if you are an undergrad or master’s student at Stanford and are interested in doing research and want to talk about misinformation research, please email me at hhanley at stanford dot edu.
